1. We went to the doctor and all looks healthy, but the baby was not in the mood to show us boy or girl...so to be continued on that one...But we did start our prenatal classes. There are two of us Americans with people from all over Europe with all different points of view. It will be a good class for us (that is at least for me...poor Oliver will have to suffer through some of it with the Europeans, well lets just say being quite open about their pregnancies).
2. Family Field day - another time for all our students and their families to come out, play games and have picnics. Oliver did the tug of war again and well, I mostly just sat there. But it was a good day to visit with our families and friends from ICSB.
3. Field Trip - the 6th grade took a field trip with me to the synagogue. With 12 year olds you just never know what is going to happen, but just a lot of laughs and not too many embarrassments (i think pregnancy brings a more care-free attitude with these types of things...that is if I don't get too hormonal on them:)
4. Moving - yes, we have one more month here at our apartment and then we move to a house that my old landlord owns. We are so excited b/c next year we'll need it :)
5. We have a new niece, Ava! We are so thrilled for the Cheneys and can't wait to meet her :)
We really continue to love teaching, being in Hungary especially now that the sun is out and marriage. God continues to teach us to rely souly on Him and be patient.
Pam you look so cute!!! We can't wait for little baby Mac to come. We miss you guys!
Love The Greens
You aren't huge Pam. You look beautiful! Wonderfully Happy.
Loved all your photo updates. Awesome to see and hear all that is going on in Budapest.
Also, great to know your pregnancy is going well. ;)
I truely hope you make it home to the states for a visit! Would love to see you soon.
P- you look awesome!!!! Great pic of you both, actually you 3. =) ~Rebecca
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