Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back in Hungary

Yes, we are back at the International Christian School of Budapest again! God is good and our support is just 12% away from being fully financially supported. Praise God. Thank you for allowing us to be here in Budapest.
This week we have been with the Honsowetz family and also doing teacher orientation at school. It was great to see all of you this summer in America and to come back to family again in Hungary. It helped with the transition. Our school rooms are coming together, we have stuff on the walls (which by the way are painted!) and getting curriculum together for this next year.
While Pam's parents were here we were able to go to Lake Balaton, the largest lake in Central Europe, and they were also able to drive around seeing work, softball and meeting our friends and seeing our ministry.
The theme of our learning path is "unchangeable". God is stable, wise and always with us. As we travel from country to country, from family to family, friend to friend, ministry to ministry the One that is always with us is Christ. The Holy Spirit continues to work and He speaks to us no matter the circumstance or the place, reminding us of His consistency in our lives. The story of Samuel and Israel while they are waiting for the king (eventually David) reminds us of God's Ultimate perfect constant plan. Though we at times have no idea how He is at work, the point is He is WAY ahead of us and is in control. Again and again we are reminded of the way God works in His people, changing us, but never having to change Himself, the Perfect. Praise God for this as we move, go and do. No matter what He is constantly with us and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post. I needed to hear those words tonight. I'm glad that you guys had a good time with the fam and are getting settled back into life in Boody. Love you both, Bec & the crew